Ok, so if you happen to stumble across my website...WELCOME!
This new school year has left me with my hands full! I quickly realized this when I went into school to start unpacking my classroom. After 6 years at our districts West campus, I am moving to our Central campus. Thankfully, all of my boxes made it to the new building. Let the unpacking begin! Unpacking would go much easier if I didn't have a 2 month old to entertain at the same time. Thankfully. Eli has been a real trooper! He sits in his bouncy seat while I run around like a crazy lady trying to figure out the madness of all my boxes. Having a pregnant lady pack up leads to a very creative system (aka throw everything in a box with no rhyme or reason to why it is in that box). Anyways...
I know there isn't much up here yet, but it is my goal to share as much as I can as this school year gets rolling. My ultimate goal is to have you be able to contribute your gems too!
Thanks for visiting!
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